Airport access and counter
Airports we serve.
Our airport counter
Sendai airport
Check-In Counter
Passenger Terminal Building 2F

Airport Information
Skymark counter business hours
8:15 am - 10:15 am, 5:25 pm - 7:25 pm
More about Sendai airport
- Airport webpage
- Pay parking lots available 24hours
- More details ⇒
Transportation from airport to common destination
From Sendai airport
to Sendai station | 25minutes | 660yen |
to Natori station | 10minutes | 420yen |

to Sendai station (Airport Liner) |
35minutes | 650yen |
to Sendai station (Airport Limousine) |
48minutes |
650yen |

to Sendai station | 40minutes | approx. 6,500yen |
- *Estimated travel time may vary according to the traffic conditions. The information provided should only be used as a guide.